Welcome to Kendal Lymphology Centre
Kendal Lymphology Centre (KLC) was created by Denise Hardy (a clinical nurse specialist with over 35 years experience in the field) to act as a link between patients and health care professionals, and provide treatment/management for patients suffering from all types of chronic oedema, lymphoedema and lipoedema.
Emphasis is on holistic assessment and appropriate treatment (according to patient need) and includes all aspects of lymphoedema/lipoedema management. Self-management, education, health promotion and prevention advice are all included as part of the care package.
With expert evidence-based care, all patients living with lymphoedema, lipoedema and related conditions are given the best opportunity and expertise to control, improve and effectively manage their condition and improve their quality of life.
Over the next few pages you will find basic information on lymphoedema, lipoedema, the services that clinic offers and several links to other useful websites.
If you require further information please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01539 735 111 or alternatively email denise.hardy@kendal-lymphology.org.uk
Funding for Treatment:
Sadly, dedicated funding for treatment is limited in the North West, and referral to the clinic depends on the underlying cause (e.g. cancer or non-cancer). Morecambe Bay Hospital Trust (MBHT) provide funding for cancer patients, whilst Morecambe Bay Commissioning Group (MBCCG) provide limited funding for non-cancer referrals.
The appropriate referral form can be downloaded here:
Private treatment is available if necessary (when funding is not available). KLC also has provider numbers for many of the private insurance companies.